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Friday, February 14, 2024
BC Pro D Day
8:30AM – 3:30PM PT
Request A Registration Form Online
1 – 6 Teachers $200.00 (+$10 GST) Per Person
6+ Teachers $150.00 (+$7.50 GST) Per Person
* Designated Indigenous Schools are not required to pay GST
We accept credit card, cheque, and purchase order payments.

Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Call to Action

These new and evidence-based CLINICS are designed for primary classroom teachers and have been designed in response to the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s call for action “to implement early literacy screening, remove barriers and provide supports for students so they can reach their full potential”.

“Reading difficulties can be prevented for over 95% of all children including those with dyslexia, when schools screen students and provide early intervention starting in kindergarten.”

View Summit Flyer

Topics, Presenters, Registration
PDF [1.1MB]

Presenting Five Foundational Skill Clinics


Alphabet Knowledge: The Root of Reading

Chelsea Mytko and Nathan Reist

  • Research suggests that knowledge of letter names and sounds is predictive of early reading success.
  • Joyful Literacy Interventions has proven that 85% of all kindergarten children can master alphabet knowledge with proven interventions giving them a strong entry to kindergarten.
  • Addressing: order of skills, capital vs lower case, using names, letter sound correspondence, sounds and writing, the alphabetic principle and decoding.


Phonologic Awareness (PA): Perceiving and Manipulating the Sounds of Language

Chelsea Mytko and Nathan Reist

  • Research suggests that PA abilities exist on a continuum from simple to complex.
  • Joyful Literacy Interventions has proven that PA skills can be mastered playfully in the dark - without knowledge of individual letter-sound relationships.
  • Addressing: making PA playful, using songs as a teaching tool, order of skills, using broader oral language skills - no writing or letters required.


Reading Fluency: Daily Joy, Practice and Prosody

Dianne Bassendowski

  • Research suggests that with a daily fluency classroom program we can increase overall reading proficiency to decrease numbers of struggling students.
  • Joyful Literacy Interventions proven that daily fluency instruction and performances can raise not only reading levels but enthusiasm, pride and joy of reading.
  • Addressing: fluency skills acquired, a daily and weekly plan, perfect poems for class read-alouds, incorporating practice of Foundational Skills with joyful performances.


Ramped Up Read Alouds: Build Knowledge and Boost Comprehension

Dr. Maria Walther

  • Research suggests read alouds model accurate fluent reading, develop vocabularies and comprehension skills.
  • Joyful Literacy Interventions have proven that interactive read aloud can increase listening comprehension and build knowledge about multiple topics.
  • Addressing: presentation of lists of hundreds of picture books to enrich and extend literacy instruction with many practical ideas.


Word Study: Integrating Sound, Spelling and Meaning

Chelsea Mytko and Nathan Reist

  • Research suggests a strong connection between direct instruction in decoding (phonics) encoding (spelling) and vocabulary (word meaning) as significant factors in learning to read.
  • Joyful Literacy Interventions has proven that starting word study in kindergarten at the same time as alphabet knowledge will accelerate reading level success.
  • Addressing: Integrating content words, high frequency words, heart words, orthography, memory AND concept development, word structure, word sorts and word families.


A Primary-Wide Intervention Strategy: Putting on the Blitz!

Dr. Janet Mort

  • Research suggests that if children have not mastered the Foundational Skills by the end of grade two they will likely struggle with literacy throughout their school career.
  • Joyful Literacy Interventions has proven that an intervention program with a strong instructional base, implemented from Pre-k to grade 3, can successfully keep all tier one and two children reading at grade level - and tier three children moving steadily forward.
  • Addressing: the blitz concept, a new system that tracks Foundational Skills, assignment of children to the intervention, organization, balancing instruction and practice and play.

This February 14th Professional Development Day features a new screening tool, skill-based instruction in essential Foundational Skills and playful intervention strategies in five essential literacy skills - as well as a school-wide intervention strategies. Participants will leave with a Treasure Chest of over two hundred practical games, activities and other dynamic resources in these skill areas.

Summit Handouts & Links

Resources will be provided the week of the summit.